query_select( "SELECT * FROM website_settings WHERE 1" ); $site_settings = $db->fetch_assoc(); $nrows = $db->query_select( "SELECT * FROM sites WHERE id='$site_id'" ); if( $nrows != 1 ){ header( "Location: error/page_error.html" ); exit; } $site = $db->fetch_assoc(); $imgfile = $site['header_pic']; if( !empty($imgfile) ){ $rowname = $imgfile; $group = false; if( stripos($imgfile,'/') !== false ){ $rowname = substr( $imgfile, 0, stripos($imgfile,'/') ); $group = true; } $nrows = $db->query_select( "SELECT * FROM images WHERE filename='$rowname'" ); if( $nrows != 1 ){ header( "Location: index.html" ); exit; } $row = $db->fetch_assoc(); if( !$group && $row['grp'] ){ $imgfile = Images::group_random_pic( $rowname ); $group = true; } $header_pic = array(); $header_pic = Images::scale( $imgfile, $site_settings['header_pic_width'], $group, true ); $header_pic_url = $header_pic['url']; $header_pic_org_url = $header_pic['org_url']; } // only one map allowed at this point in time // the first map found table site_map is used $nrows = $db->query_select( "SELECT map_id FROM site_map WHERE site_id=$site_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ $row = $db->fetch_assoc(); $map_id = $row['map_id']; $db->query_select( "SELECT * FROM maps WHERE id=$map_id" ); $map = $db->fetch_assoc(); $launch_id = $map['launch_id']; $db->query_select( "SELECT * FROM launches WHERE id=$launch_id" ); $launch = $db->fetch_assoc(); $lat = $launch['lat']; $lng = $launch['lng']; $genxml_url = $server_root_url . "/php/gensitemapxml.php?map=" . $map_id; $genxml_url = "'" . $genxml_url . "'"; } ?> site guide " type="text/css">

Current Conditions

query_select( "SELECT wx_id,caption FROM site_wx WHERE site_id=$site_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ while( $xrow = $db->fetch_assoc() ){ $station_id = $xrow['wx_id']; $nrows = $dbwx->query_select( "SELECT wx_id,notes,name FROM wx_stations WHERE id=$station_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ // there will be only one $wxrow = $dbwx->fetch_assoc(); if( !empty($wxrow['notes']) ){ echo "

"; echo $wxrow['name'] . " - Weather Station"; echo "
"; $content = ContentFormatter::standard_paragraph( $wxrow['notes'],"",false,2,true ); echo $content; } $wx_id = $wxrow['wx_id']; $mesowest = new Mesowest( $wx_id, false ); if( !$mesowest->update() ){ echo "Remote data not available at this point in time.
"; echo "Using historical data instead.

"; } //echo "
"; echo "Date: "; echo $mesowest->get_station_day(); echo ""; echo $mesowest->hor_html_table(); echo $xrow['caption']; echo "

"; } } } echo "
"; /* $dbmap = new DataBase(); $nrows = $db->query_select( "SELECT map_id FROM site_map WHERE site_id=$site_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ while( $xrow = $db->fetch_assoc() ){ $map_id = $xrow['map_id']; $nrows = $dbmap->query_select( "SELECT * FROM maps WHERE id='$map_id'" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ // there will be only one $maprow = $dbmap->fetch_assoc(); $launch_id = $maprow['launch_id']; $nrows = $db->query_select( "SELECT * FROM launches WHERE id='$launch_id'" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ // always 1 or more, all launches must be geographically very close. Only the 1st one found is used here. $launch_row = $db->fetch_assoc(); $lat = $launch_row['lat']; $lng = $launch_row['lng']; $genxml_url = $server_root_url . "/php/gensitemapxml.php?map=" . $id; $genxml_url = "'" . $genxml_url . "'"; } $wx_id = $wxrow['wx_id']; $mesowest = new Mesowest( $wx_id, false ); if( !$mesowest->update() ){ echo "Remote data not available at this point in time.
"; echo "Using historical data instead.

"; } echo "
"; echo "Date: "; echo $mesowest->get_station_day(); echo "
"; echo $mesowest->hor_html_table(); echo $xrow['caption']; echo "
"; } } } */ /* $dbsw = new DataBase(); $dbwx = new DataBase(); // weather stations $nrows = $dbsw->query_select( "SELECT wx_id FROM site_wx WHERE site_id=$site_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ while( $swrow = $dbsw->fetch_assoc() ){ $station_id = $swrow['wx_id']; $nrows = $dbwx->query_select( "SELECT notes,name FROM wx_stations WHERE id=$station_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ $wxrow = $dbwx->fetch_assoc(); if( !empty($wxrow['notes']) ){ echo "

"; echo $wxrow['name'] . " - Weather Station"; echo "
"; $content = ContentFormatter::standard_paragraph( $wxrow['notes'],"",false,2,true ); echo $content; } } } } */ ?>

Launch and Landing


"; //iterate through launches $dbl = new DataBase(); // launches $dblz = new DataBase(); // lzs $dbll = new DataBase(); //$dblw = new DataBase(); $dbsl = new DataBase(); $nrows = $dbsl->query_select( "SELECT launch_id FROM site_launch WHERE site_id=$site_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ while( $slrow = $dbsl->fetch_assoc() ){ //get launch $launch_id = $slrow['launch_id']; $nrows = $dbl->query_select( "SELECT * FROM launches WHERE id=$launch_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ $lrow = $dbl->fetch_assoc(); if( !empty($lrow['description']) ){ echo "

"; echo $lrow['name'] . " Launch"; echo "
"; ?>
Altitude: ft
Wind Direction:   From ° to °

query_select( "SELECT wx_id FROM launch_wx WHERE launch_id=$launch_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ while( $lwrow = $dblw->fetch_assoc() ){ //get launch wx station $station_id = $lwrow['wx_id']; $nrows = $dbwx->query_select( "SELECT notes,name FROM wx_stations WHERE id=$station_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ $wxrow = $dbwx->fetch_assoc(); if( !empty($wxrow['notes']) ){ echo "

"; echo $wxrow['name'] . " - Weather Station"; echo "
"; $content = ContentFormatter::standard_paragraph( $wxrow['notes'],"",false,2,true ); echo $content; } } } } */ $nrows = $dbll->query_select( "SELECT lz_id FROM launch_lz WHERE launch_id=$launch_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ while( $llrow = $dbll->fetch_assoc() ){ $lz_id = $llrow['lz_id']; $nrows = $dblz->query_select( "SELECT description,name,prohibited FROM lzs WHERE id=$lz_id" ); if( $nrows > 0 ){ $lzrow = $dblz->fetch_assoc(); if( !empty($lzrow['description']) ){ echo "

"; if( $lzrow['prohibited'] ){ echo $lzrow['name'] . " - NO LAND AREA"; } else{ echo $lzrow['name'] . " - LZ"; } echo "
"; $content = ContentFormatter::standard_paragraph( $lzrow['description'],"",false,2,true ); echo $content; } } } } } } //echo "

"; ?>

Interactive Area Map

Click on Map markers to display more information about the launch and LZ's. A balloon with real time launch conditions will be displayed for the launch.

  Launch              LZ              NO LAND field